Title (croatian) Stigmatizacija Hrvata i Srba u prijeratnome, ratnom i poslijeratnom razdoblju
Title (english) The Stigmatisation of Croats and Serbs before, during and after the War
Author Dragutin Babić
Author's institution Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract (croatian) Proces raspada jugoslavenske države pratili su socijalni konstrukti Drugoga. Stereotipi, predrasude i stigme, koji su bili prisutni i u socijalističkom razdoblju, multiplicirani su u tranzicijskome i osobito ratnome vremenu. Simbolički imaginarij posebno je opterećen nacionalnim/nacionalističkim konstrukcijama zbilje na bivšemu jugoslavenskom sociopolitičkom prostoru, uključujući i Hrvatsku. Pritom je, kao zamjena za socijalističku ideologiju, snažno aktiviran nacionalni identitet. Favoriziranjem etnonacionalnoga identiteta u odnosu na sve ostale subidentitete u sociopolitičkom i simboličkom prostoru s prevladavajuće etničkim modelom nacije potisnuti su demokratski procesi, a na javnoj sceni na djelu je bila autoritarna nacionalna država. Stvoreno je kulturno i sociopsihološko ozračje pogodno za aktiviranje etničkih/nacionalnih stereotipa, predrasuda, a onda i stigmatizacije Drugih. U Hrvatskoj su u simboličkom, a djelomično i u praktičnopolitičkom prostoru aktivirani »ustaše« i »četnici«, što je samo pojačalo međusobnu stigmatizaciju Hrvata i Srba. Različiti akteri u ratnim su sukobima aktivirali simbolički imaginarij za svoje (često vrlo različite) ciljeve, a veličina zloporabe nacionalnoga ovisila je o (ne)legitimnosti političkih ciljeva i ponašanja političkih i vojnih organizacija i pojedinaca prema Drugima u danim situacijama. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno u zapadnoj i istočnoj Slavoniji, Baniji i Dalmaciji na populaciji Hrvata starosjedilaca, Srba starosjedilaca i useljenika pokazuje da je stigmatizacija nacionalno Drugoga uvelike prisutna u prijeratnome razdoblju te da se intenzivirala u ratnome a vrhunac dosegnula u poslijeratnom razdoblju. Sve to otežava (re)konstrukciju lokalnih zajednica na bivšim ratnim prostorima. Postupna dekontaminacija sociopsihološkoga ozračja označit će odmak od ratnih »slika« i etničke čistoće države te okretanje prema multietničkoj koegzistenciji i tolerantnijemu komunikacijskom ozračju.
Abstract (english) The process of disintegration of the Yugoslav state was accompanied by social constructs in regard to the Other. Stereotypes, prejudices and stigmas, which had existed during the socialist period, were multiplied during the transitional and especially during the war period. The symbolic imagery was especially burdened by national/nationalist constructions of the reality in the former Yugoslav socio-political area, including in Croatia. In this context, national identity was forcefully activated, as a replacement for socialist ideology. Favourising ethno-national identity over all other sub-identities in the socio-political and symbolic area, and the prevalence of an ethnic model of the nation, suppressed democratic processes, and an authoritative national state came into effect on the public scene. A cultural and socio-psychological atmosphere was created that was conducive to the activation of ethnic/national stereotypes, prejudices, and subsequently to the stigmatisation of Others. In Croatia, images of “ustaše” and “chetniks” were activated in the symbolic and practical-political sphere, which only increased the mutual stigmatisation of Croats and Serbs. Various protagonists during the war conflicts activated symbolic images for their own (often very different) goals, and the extent of misuse of national contents depended on the legitimacy or non-legitimacy of political goals, as well as on the behaviour of political and military organisations and of individuals towards Others in given situations. The author’s empirical research, conducted in West and East Slavonia, Banija and Dalmatia among populations of indigenous Croats and Serbs and immigrants, indicates that the stigmatisation of the nationally Other is still largely present in the post-war period. It gained intensity during the war and reached a maximum in the post-war period. All this aggravates the (re)construction of local communities in former war areas. The gradual decontamination of the socio-psychological atmosphere implies a move away from war “images” and from the notion of an ethnically pure state, and a shift towards multiethnic coexistence and a more tolerant atmosphere for communication.
Keywords (croatian)
simbolički imaginarij
Keywords (english)
symbolic imagery
Croats, Serbs
Language croatian
Publication type Scientific paper - Preliminary note / Short communication
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review - international
Publication version Published version
Journal title Migracijske i etničke teme
Numbering vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 379-397
p-ISSN 1333-2546
e-ISSN 1848-9184
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:303:368856
Publication 2006
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/9708
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-12 08:59:02